Ayurveda for hair: 10 simplest Ayurvedic hair care routine that you should know | Health - Hindustan Times

2022-09-17 06:58:15 By : Ms. Kira Huang

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Ayurveda sees hair fall as a symptom of various disturbances occurring in your body so, while treating hair fall, it is necessary to take into account the imbalances of Doshas (energy), as well as Dhatus (tissues). Ayurvedic experts insist that Ayurveda aims at managing the root cause of hair fall with the help of Shamana (pacifying therapy) and Shodhana therapies (purification therapies) along with dietary and lifestyle modifications.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Vani Ahuja, Co-Founder and Director of NatureCode, suggested 5 simplest Ayurvedic hair care routines that everyone should know:

1. Ayurvedic Therapies - The notion of purifying, renewing, and balancing your body's energy is the foundation of Ayurveda science. Ayurvedic therapies like Panchakarma, which include deeply nourishing and purifying procedures like Nasya, Basti, Shirodhara, Shiro Abhyanga, and Shiro Lepa, can be done once a month in addition to your regular at-home hair care routine. These treatments balance your doshas, which cleans your blood and encourages the growth of good hair, while also calming and relaxing your mind and body.

2. Do regimen oiling - According to Ayurveda, your scalp is made up of many energy-relieving places known as "Marmas." Oiling your scalp and hair is a rejuvenation technique to get rid of any excess or serious doshas that have built up in your head due to marmas. The nourishing, root-strengthening, and conditioning qualities of Ayurvedic oils used in scalp and hair massages frequently promote the growth of healthy, strong, and glossy hair in addition to rejuvenation. Ayurveda recommends oiling your hair two to three times a week. According to ancient Ayurvedic practices, you should oil your hair for at least 20 minutes before washing it. For optimal results, massage heated oil into your scalp and hair at night. The next day, shampoo your hair. This is fantastic for hair, and

3. Always trim your hair - Split ends and damaged hair will make your hair tips look sparse and harsh. You can avoid this by routinely trimming your hair to remove split ends. To ensure that your split ends are removed, trim your hair every 8 to 12 weeks.

4. Use non-chemical products - It's possible for the harsh chemicals in hair products to change the pH of your scalp while also eliminating the protein layers from your hair and the natural oils from your scalp. Consider using Ayurvedic products instead, which are Silicone, Sulphate, and Paraben free and contain natural herbal components and essential oils, to attain holistic hair health without risk.

5. Use hair butters and masks to condition your hair frequently - Shiro lepas, or Ayurvedic hair masks, are among the best remedies for deeply nourishing and conditioning your scalp and hair. To preserve the health of your scalp and hair while supporting you in conquering underlying causes of hair loss including stress and worry, Ayurveda recommends applying hair masks once per week or every two weeks. You can use egg white and aloe vera gel as solvents along with Ayurvedic herbal powders like Amalaki, henna, and fenugreek to create your nutrient-rich hair masks. Apply the mask to your hair from the roots to the tips, then wait 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it out with water.

Dr Manisha Mishra Goswami, Medical Adviser at Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd, shared, “Good hair and scalp health is easier with Ayurveda. Like a good skin care regime, having a good hair care regime can help improve your hair growth, reduce hair fall and improve shine, density, luster and thickness.” She added to the list of easy to follow Ayurveda tips for hair that include:

1. Healthy diet - Healthy hair is possible with better nourishment. Having a balanced, regular meal which is rich in protein, minerals and healthy fat along with carbs helps in better hair health. Amla, Til, Ghee, dates and raisins should be a part of daily diet for healthy hair. Stay away from excess sugary and salty food as they cause inflammation leading to hair loss.

2. Good sleep - Sleep is the time for restoration and repair. Having sound sleep for 7- 8 hours helps promote hair growth.

3. Regular hair massage - Weekly scalp massages with oils like sesame, coconut or almond stimulate the scalp, reduce dandruff and nourish hair roots and strengthen the hair shaft. You may also use clinically tested moha; 5 in 1 hair oil which improves hair growth and reduces hair fall. In fact, scalp massage also induces sound sleep and reduces stress which is conducive for better hair growth.

4. Hair hygiene - Wash hair with gentle shampoos and avoid using very hot water to cleanse hair and scalp. Cold or lukewarm water is recommended in Ayurveda. Condition your hair with a hair mask made of natural ingredients like methi, curd, triphala and hibiscus every week to make them silky and strong.

5. Protect your hair - Always remember to protect your hair as you step out. Umbrella, cap, dupatta are simple ways to protect your hair from sun damage. Avoid heat and chemical treatments to hair as they may damage the hair cuticle.

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